Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Swim Lessons

Grace started swim class on Monday. These are some pictures of her before the first class as we waited for the earlier class to end. Grace threw a screaming fit when I led her to the portion of the pool where her class had lined up. She wanted to get in the pool and swim by her self on the stairs. She was hysterical! I finally just handed her to her instructor. He held screaming Grace in one arm and continued to instruct the rest of the class with the other. It came time for each child to go totally under water and blow bubbles. He then dunked Grace under the water while screaming. A few moments later she escaped and ran around the pool to where I was standing with Sam. We were in the car half way home when Grace stopped crying and said "I want to say with my class Mom".


Joneel said...

Darn, too bad Grace wasn't ready for those swim lessons.

Andy and Melissa said...

She looks so cute in the suit. Maybe next time she will be more cooperative. Cross our fingers for ya.